At the NY State Sheep and Wool Festival

What a delightful day in Rhinebeck today for the NY State Sheep and Wool Festival. Not only did we have perfect weather but the atmosphere was festive and the exhibits most inviting.
I was particularly taken by model Brighet, left. at Christine Fromm's booth. Christine creates the most beautiful and fashion forward designs with recycled woolens. I loved the hats (lots of felted versions) and the dresses. Check her out at
Of course, there were many friends to be seen. Some really friendly wooly types seen here below and some knitterly types (above right)who inspired me even more.

And, I finally got to meet knitmammy as she is known on Ravelry and am excited that she will make me some stitch markers using some of my mother's very special beads. Her stitch markers are delightful.
I did succumb and buy some beautiful yarn- Gaia Lace, a handpainted cashmere silk blend from The Sanguine Gryphon They had a pair of the most beautiful lace fingerless gloves that just must be knitted.
We also saw some stunning cashmere scarves at Springtide Farm, a Maine purveyor of fine cashmere. Alas, they were sold out of their very beautiful and extremely fine cashmere. We will definitely head there earlier next year to make sure we get some of their exceptional and exquisite yarn.
It was such a pleasure meeting you and your friends. And the lamas in the minivan?! That was something special! Did the photo came out? I kept imagining them getting into car seats toddler style. Fastening seat belts and drinking apple juice from the straws. Guess what, I unpacked my bad today and found a little bag with your markers. It was in my bag, where I looked many times.
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