On my Needles and in my Queue

Awaiting the needles this weekend is a lace shawl in preparation for the first of the summer workshops, our lace and laze workshop July 12 and 13, where we will explore the intricacies of some lace knitting and then spend time just focusing on projects with a side trip to a great knitting shop and mix that with comfort food and great views (on top, above) to knit by.
Update on our August event, August 9-10, 2009: an awesome workshop with Cara Carnavale of Twin Hearts Handworks http://www.twinheartshandworks.com/ at her brand new shop in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Cara's got great plans for our workshop featuring all kinds of stitching and an absolutely incredible gift bag filled with goodies for retreat participants so we can learn all the new techniques she has in store for for us. That's Sunday August 9. And on Monday, August 10, it will be a day of leisure and knitting and fiber surprises at the Ethelridge Road Knitting Salon North (see photo above). Details will follow shortly.
In the midst of all this, still writing for YMN - getting a handle on how yarn shops do this "Yarn of the Month" thing. Just speaking to so many lovely shop owners makes want to head to their charming shops right away.
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