On the needles at the end of the year

Ok, I sucumbed and began two new projects today without having completed the three that I swore to complete by year's end. But progress has been made nonetheless. The cashmere shrug is near completion and would have been finished had I not discovered a mistake that required that I take out nearly 10 inches of my last sleeve. Then, there is the afghan for my brother which is so close to being done - I have finally reached the 11th of 12 blocks, so I know now it will be completed soon, very soon. The sweater for my 16 year old son who started knitting it himself at age 15 will certainly have to be completed by his 17th birthday (in three weeks time) and in a whole size bigger than when he started it more than a year ago. So what did I do today, I knitted the most beautiful merino winter headband in pink with a divine crocheted button - how I love that button! And then, I started a one-ply variegated hand-painted cashmere triangular scarfette or shawlette (we'll see how big it gets and then I'll give it a name) on size 13 needles. It is gorgeous. I actually had the crazy idea that I could complete it during a one-hour car ride and give it as a gift to the hostess at the home of the 16 year old's New Year's Eve party. What was I thinking? - giving away such a beautiful garment to someone I don't even know. I reminded him to thank the hostess profusely and I'll keep the cashmere triangle.
yarn specs! yarn specs! we want yarn specs - pleeeeease?
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