Friday, March 21, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
Felted Pots

I decided to make a few felted pots to use as containers for my Purim gifts this year. They were lots of fun to make, knitting up rapidly in mindless fashion, at every opportunity I had. Mostly I knitted them in the car when I didn't have to think about a thing, just move my hands in rhythmic fashion around my yarn and needles. I found I could knit each one in an hour or so - According to my husband,however, they are neither quick nor economical because I repeatedly put them in the washing machine again and again, trying to achieve the best felted fiber. While ultimately neither super fast to complete nor really cost effective, I really enjoyed the creative process though ultimately they were neither super fast to make nor really cost effective. In the end though, I have all of these charming little pots which I am now reticent to part with - they look so adorable displayed on my sideboard, a bevy of colorful bowls to decorate my home.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008

I will be teaching how to knit these stunning scarves once again at the Ethelridge Road Knitting Salon . We will learn a unique combination process somewhat like knitting and sewing, to knit these special scarves. They are absolute comment grabbers. Soft and curly, they are so cozy to wear, I am hoping that everyone will want one just they did at Art et Fils in Brussels last March.